Balance 2.0?

Balance 2.0?

So, a wannabe author/writer walks in to a writer’s conference… Sounds like the beginning of a not very funny joke.  But, that was me earlier this month as I attended the Harvard’s Writing, Publishing and Social Media Conference for Healthcare Professionals.  Quite a...
Change Redux

Change Redux

It started almost as a little hum… a vibration in my head, felt more than heard.  A connection between some deep part of my brain straight to inside my chest. In the days leading up to my college graduation I mostly ignored it. Easy enough in the midst of...


 Harbinger : “one that presages or foreshadows what is to come” It had become somewhat of a fixture in our dining room. I’d pass by it pretty much daily. Can’t help notice it. It’s not small, my bike, given that I’m 6’3″...


My chest is heaving. The air I rapidly suck into my lungs does not seem to be adequate as I immediately gasp for another breath. My heart is pounding, trying to escape the confines of the sternum that lies over it. The waves of nausea are somewhat overshadowed by a...


There are times when I get a bit more reflective.  Often later in the evening, with a cup of coffee in hand after a long day at work.  I come home to a quiet house, the family still out and about somewhere.  I plop down on the couch and as I drift into that place...